Meet Elena
Certified Vedic Astrologer &
Vedic Games facilitator
Through astrological consultations and facilitation of Vedic Games, I help people to navigate through challenging times in their lives, reducing their fears and worries, and reaching for the right solution. Jyotish, the ancient Vedic science, can give deep astrological insights that have long lasting effects, empowering the person to understand his true nature and his journey to Divinity.
I bring my obeisances to my Gurus - Srila Bhakti Sevan Hrishikesh Maharaj and Srila Bhakti Bimal Avadhut Maharaj for their mercy and wisdom, and to all Great Sages, who left this Jyotisha heritage to us. Let this Knowledge help the people on their spiritual path.

“I liked the responsible approach and attention to the person, the warm and caring attitude. Understanding of one's zodiac signs and influencing planets explained a lot and gave me a chance to truly accept myself and the events in my life.”
- Tatiana Vysotskaya
“I understood for what reasons certain situations appear in my life and what I need to change. I express my deep gratitude for analyzing my chart during this difficult time.”
- Lidya Golovinskaya
“Astrological consultations have become a regular thing for me, like a visit to the gym or a doctor's check-up. Synchronizing "your watch" with the stars means understanding the possibilities of the future and making timely decisions.”
- Vitaly Kiselev
20 min
60 Canadian dollars- Available onlinemore details
"Basic Star Guidance". Gain insights into your life through personalized Jyotish consultation.
1 hr
145 Canadian dollars - Available onlinemore details
"Bhava Prakash Insight". An in-depth analysis of your astrological houses and Jyotish Counseling.
2 hr
250 Canadian dollars 30 min
360 Canadian dollars1 hr
180 Canadian dollars1 hr
180 Canadian dollars1 hr
270 Canadian dollars1 hr
270 Canadian dollars1 hr
270 Canadian dollars1 hr
125 Canadian dollars