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ॐ प्राज्ञाय नमः।    My respect to Lord Ganesha, Master of Wisdom and Knowledge!


What is Jyotish?

1. What is the difference between Jyotish and Western astrology?

     Both systems, of course, work. However, they use different tools for analysis and different methods of calculating the coordinates of the planets. I would also like to note that Western astrology sees a person only at the level of personality and does not say anything about the level of the soul. Jyotish is called lunar astrology, since the most importantce is given to the Moon, which shows a person's mind, consciousness, worldview, dreams, inclinations, desires, etc. In Western astrology, the Moon is not given such a great importance, we can say that the Sun shines or emphasised more here. If we talk about these systems, then there is a comparison that the Western astrology looks at a person in profile, and the Vedic system looks straight into his eyes.

     Western astrology uses the Western (tropical or movable) zodiac, which is repelled by the position of the Sun in the sky, and the reference point is the place that it occupies on the vernal equinox. Or in other words, it is a projection of stars onto the tropics of the Earth. Once this point coincided with the first degree of Aries, however, due to the fact that the axis of the earth rotates relative to distant stars, circumscribing a circle with a radius of 23.5 degrees, this movement no longer reflects the real position of the planets in certain signs. Jyotish uses the Sidereal Zodiac (stationary) with the real position of the planets, taking into account the precession of the earth's axis, or the precession of the equinoxes. This moment shows us that Western astrology only gives an understanding of the processes on Earth (within the solar system) in certain situations, but does not indicate the position of a person on a more global cosmic scale, which does not allow us to understand the causes and certain problems in the earthly life. Vedic astrology shows us the reasons and clarifies karma that we came to work out in this incarnation. Jyotish is a part of the Vedas, this science based on Vedic knowledge and it can help a person find answers to the deepest questions that worry him - who I am, what is the meaning of my life, etc.

     In Vedic astrology there are vargas , or divisional charts, which the western system do not have, and the analysis of lunar stations, or nakshatras , is also used, which allow us to more accurately describe a person's personality, his activity and almost all areas of his life; to reveal the deep processes taking place at the level of the soul, as well as  giving the correct predictions.

     A person who comes to a consultation very often asks the question: "Why am I Taurus in the Western zodiac, and Aries in Jyotish?" This can be simply explained - if the Sun passes through the sign of Aries in a stationary zodiac, then from Earth we see it in the constellation of Taurus. The time in which we live is called the era of Kali, described in the Vedas, a period of disagreement and lack of harmony. Therefore, from an astrological point of view in Kali-yuga, a person can experience the influence of two signs of the zodiac, sometimes very contradictory.

2. Why are trans-Saturnian planets not used in Vedic astrology when compiling an individual horoscope?

     In Hora , or in the analysis of an individual horoscope, only seven main planets are used: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, as well as lunar nodes - the shadow planets Rahu and Ketu. It is believed that they fully describe the individual karma of a person. Trans - Saturnian planets are not used here. Samhita , or astrology of countries and states, uses Neptune and Uranus, but mainly to predict natural phenomena such as floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, and so on. Pluto was never considered a planet in Jyotish, and there is no mention of it in ancient texts.

     Some modern Jyotish astrologers interpret the positions of trans-Saturnian planets showing human life in the context of countries, society and linking generations. Often trans-Saturnian planets are clearly manifested in the horoscopes of people who leave a mark in history, whose life belongs not only to them, but to entire generations, to society as a whole. We don't analyse them in our school.

3. What is a consultation with a Vedic Astrologer?

     A consultation is always based on a person's request, because he goes to the astrologer for an answer, and the astrologer can see karma associated with this issue in the horoscope. It is possible that a person wants one thing, but completely different tasks need to be solved, to work out layers that more fundamental in nature. A person most often wants to know the exact dates of certain events in the future, but I believe that this is a wrong way od understanding what Jyotish really is. The consultation is not just a "trip" to a fortuneteller, it is an motivation to know yourself, one's strengths and weaknesses, it is for a purpose to cultivate the ability to accept one's destiny and establish a connection with the one who is the source and ultimate refuge. It is awareness of our dharma, or duty, and following by accepting the lessons that fate has prepared for us.


     Of course, Vedic astrology gives the answers what periods are taking place and what to expect from them. There are periods (Dashas) that are considered difficult: an astrologer can tell you where difficulties and obstacles may arise, teach you to see not only the negative of a given period, but also its opportunities for self-perfection and spiritual growth. A good astrologer does not intimidate, does not try to surprise, does not confuse a person's mind, but, on the contrary, leads a person to accept his fate, to take responsibility for his actions, helps a person to see his weaknesses and push for a change in the mind.

     I have previously consulted people within the framework of the method of dance-movement psychotherapy, and I understand the importance for a person for discovery their personal qualities, learning new patterns of behavior, returning to the lost integrity.

You can learn more about my services and consulting here .

4. What is karma and how is it reflected in the horoscope?

     Each planet in Vedic astrology (Hora) is considered as karaka, or an indicator of a certain layer of individual karma. For example, the sun is seen as pitri karaka , an indicator of karma associated with father and ancestors. The moon is a matri karaka , an indicator of karma associated with the mother. Venus is kalatra-karaka , an indicator of marital karma, Jupiter is putra-karaka , an indicator of karma associated with children, and dharma-karaka , an indicator of the highest law or morality and ethics. The location of the planets in the signs of the zodiac and in the houses of the horoscope reveals the mystery of a person's life, his actions, tells about his fate in the past, present and future.

     Astrology , as my Jyotish guru said, “is a method of “reading” karma, and a horoscope is a magnifying glass through which we can see the causes of our troubles and failures and prosperity. There are four types of karma: sanchita, prarabdha, kriyaman, agami. Our actions are dictated by thoughts, and thoughts flow from our consciousness.I f consciousness changes, actions, karma also change. In accordance with this, karma can be divided into two categories: the one that cannot be changed - the karma of past lives and committed actions, and karma, that we can influence, is the karma of the future life.


     Karma that is not subject to change is the consequences of actions that we have already committed earlier. This is our destiny, the seeds of what we once "sowed", predestination, retribution according to the law of justice. The karma of committed deeds can be compared to an iceberg - part of it is hidden by water, and the top is above its surface.

     The visible part of the iceberg is prarabdha-karma, fate, what we are to experience in life: sorrow and joy, luck and misfortune, disappointment and success, what we deserve by our actions. It is this karma that we can see in the horoscope, and it is represented through the position of the planets at the time of birth. Prarabdha has to be experienced, we need to live it through.


     Sanchita-karma is the hidden part of the iceberg of our destiny, the consequences of the actions of past lives, which are still awaiting their outcome. It manifests itself through our deepest motives and sometimes quite unexpectedly for us.

     For example, in an extreme situation, a timid and indecisive person in life suddenly commits an act that others least expect of him, or, conversely, a brave and decisive one suddenly commits meanness, betrayal. Sanchita comes to the surface, samskaras emerge - motivations of past lives.

     This is how an act of bravery is accomplished - a heroic act, by remembering it, a person possibly will not even explain to himself why he acted this way and not otherwise. A soldier of a penal battalion, a former criminal, suddenly, driven by an impulse of self-sacrifice, closes the embrasure of the bunker, and his feat is remembered for many years! Is it because in his distant past life he was a great warrior who died on the battlefield defending ideals and fulfilling his duty?

     Sanchita-karma is not described in the horoscope, you can see only a hint, or a reflection. From the point of view of a sanchita, we do not know ourselves and do not know what we are capable of.


     We not only suffer or enjoy the results of our actions, but we also act, create karma. We do things, often without thinking that we are creating our own future. And in the area of ​​future karma, we too can reap the fruits of our actions now or in a future life.

     Kriyaman karma is our choice, the actions that we do. These can be good deeds or, conversely, bad deeds. The human mind is imperfect, so it may be delusional about what is good and what is bad. Therefore, Krishna also advises in Bhagaval-gita (16.24): “Let the scriptures be the yardstick in deciding what to do and what not to do. After knowing the scriptures and relying on them, you should act in this world. " Whatever spiritual tradition a person belongs to - Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism or others - he must build his life in accordance with the scriptures and under guidance of a true Guru.



Sometimes it may seem that evil goes unpunished, and good disappears without a trace. But this is not so - the result will come in future lives. This is agami karma, the future fate hidden from our perception. The twelfth house of the horoscope shows our future lives. 


                                                                   From the book of Indubala "Jyotish, or Vedic astrology."

5. To what extent can an astrologer predict the future?


     The astrologer is not Omniscient, only the Lord knows everything. An experienced astrologer with long-term sadhana can predict the future with a 70-80 percent probability, an astrologer of an ordinary level will already predict with less accuracy, at best 50 percent.

6. How does an astrological chart look like?

Below is an example of Rashi chart in the North and South Indian styles.

Ведический гороскоп в северном стиле
Ведический гороскоп в южном стиле
дробные карты супруга и детей
дробные карты супруга и детей в южном стиле

Jyotish. Vedic Astrology Elena Starikova.

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